
Thank you for visiting Carolinametalhouses.com We are not just a distributor but also a manufacturer. We are partnered with other manufacturers across the country and can ship to most any state. Each state may have differences in styles available and will have varying delivery and install options. Our goal is to help you find the perfect metal home. We have Kits ready for that do it your self  project or some manufacturers offer a complete shell install. Call our expert home advisors to help you design the perfect metal home.

Ranch Style

The Ranch Style is an American classic design offering ample space for any size family. Our expert home advisors will help you pick the size you need.

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What is a Barndomenium ? Well it is a strange-sounding word for sure! The condominium meets the good ol barn. Their friendship is called the Barnomenium. Most barndomeniums are found in the Southern part of the united states. Their popularity is spreading very fast. Carolina Metal Houses has many options to choose from. Call us to get more information.


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Metal Garages and Carports

Carolina Metal Houses not only offers our customers a new home, we also carry an unlimited number of metal structures. We are partnered with the nations largest online distributor of metal buildings. We are able to provide customers all over the United States with high quality and affordable garages, carports, workshops even commercial and industrial warehouses !  Call our expert home advisors today and see how we can help you get the metal building you need.




